


Ledsen för dålig uppdatering! men som ni vet gillar jag inte att sitta och blogga när ja är med älsklingen (A) känner mig så osocial då (A) hihi. men iaf,vi har haft en skojsig/mysig helg :) har bland annat kollar på melodifestivalen, underbart! Danny va ju enligt mig en solklart "vinnare" :)
men nu ska jag äta kvällsmat och sen nanna! Puss
Clutch, inspecting and installing
1 . Inspect clutch disc for wear, cracks, loose rivets, contamination
or excessive runout (warping) . Replace if
2. Inspect flywheel for scoring, hot spots, cracks or loose
or worn guide pins . Replace flywheel if any faults are
flywheel is removed from vehicle, use new bolts
duríng installation . The old stretch-type bolts should
not be reused.
3. Inspect transmission pilot bearing in end of crankshaft .
The bearing should rotate smoothly without play. If necessary,
replace as described later.
4. Inspect and clean release bearing lever. Apply a thin
coat of grease to release bearíng lever contact points .
See Fig. 9. Also, lightly lubricate clutch disc splines and
transmission input shaft splínes.
5. Install pressure plate and clutch disc . Do not fully tighten
6. Center clutch disc on flywheel using centering tool
(BMW special tool no. 21 2 130 or equivalent) . Refer to
Fig. 7.
sure clutch dísc is facing the correct way. The new
disc should be marked engine sfde or transmission
side. See Fig. 10.
7. Tighten each bolt one turn at a time until pressure plate
is fully seated, and then torque to specification .
8. Remove clutch disc centering tool . Remove flywheel
locking tool .


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